Conventional Transcription Symbols

Conventional Transcription Symbols

The texts of the inscriptions are displayed using a modified form of what is known as the Leiden convention. We have modified it in line with display limitations. Note that the actual underlying text in the XML files are tagged according to the TEI/Epidoc conventions which are then translated into the typography displayed here. Below are the more popular symbols and tags used:

MeaningDisplayed asTEI/Epidoc tag
Line Breaks1. first line
2. second line
first line<lb/>second line
Word divided across lines1. αβγ-
2. δεζ
αβγ<lb break=”no”/>δεζ
Text divisions <div type=”textpart” subtype=”face” n=”r”>…</div>
<div type=”textpart” subtype=”face” n=”v”>…</div>
Unclear (can see but cannot with certainty decipher). Particularly low certainty is indicated with a question
<unclear cert=”low”>abc</unclear>
Gap because characters are illegible. 3 or more illegible characters are indicated by number and a possible range by a range of numbers. Low precision is indicated by a question mark. + <gap reason=”illegible” quantity=”1″ unit=”character”/>
++ <gap reason=”illegible” quantity=”2″ unit=”character”/>
[+3+] <gap reason=”illegible” quantity=”3″ unit=”character”/>
[+5-7+] <gap reason=”illegible” atLeast=”5″ atMost=”7″ unit=”character”/>
[?+4+] <gap reason=”illegible” quantity=”4″ unit=”character” precision=”low”/>
Gap (illegible, extent unknown)[…]<gap reason=”illegible” extent=”unknown” unit=”character”/>
Gap because characters are lost. 3 or more lost characters are indicated by number and a possible range by a range of numbers. Low precision is indicated by a question mark. [-] <gap reason=”lost” quantity=”1″ unit=”character”/>
[-​-] <gap reason=”lost” quantity=”2″ unit=”character”/>
[-3-] <gap reason=”lost” quantity=”3″ unit=”character”/>
[-5-7-] <gap reason=”lost” atLeast=”5″ atMost=”7″ unit=”character”/>
[?-4-] <gap reason=”lost” quantity=”4″ unit=”character” precision=”low”/>
Gap (lost, extent unknown)[-​-​-]<gap reason=”lost” extent=”unknown” unit=”character”/>
Text supplied by editor[abc]<supplied reason=”lost”>abc</supplied>
Letters corrected by editor – hover to display uncorrected versionαββα<choice><corr>αβ</corr><sic>βα</sic></choice>
Word regularized by editor – hover to display unregularized versionαββα<choice><reg>αβ</reg><orig>βα</orig></choice>
Expansion of abbreviation (the abbreviation is written but the expansion is supplied by the editor)a(bc)<expan><abbr>a</abbr><ex>bc</ex></expan>
Letters intentionally not on the inscription but added by the editor to make sensea<b>ca<supplied reason=”omitted”>b</supplied>c
Surplus letter marked for deletion by editora{b}ca<surplus>b</surplus>c
Erased on objecta⟦b⟧ca<del rend=”erasure”>b</del>c
Space left on stone(vac.1)
<space quantity=”1″ unit=”character”/>
<space quantity=”3″ unit=”character”/>
Space left on stone, extent unknown(vac.?)<space extent=”unknown” unit=”character”/>
<g ref=”cross”>+</g>
<g ref=”leaf”/>